Distance Measurement

Distance Measurement

The laser is an optoelectronic distance measuring device for all industrial applications with various interface outputs.

It operates on the contact- free principle of comparative phase measurement ( phase amplitude modulation) and facilitates precisely accurate measurement of distance. It distinguishes itself through high precision as well as high independence from the surface of the measuring object. The red, visible laser beam allows for easy alignment.

The laser can operate on distances of up to 240 meters with special reflector.

The laser measurement devices of the LE series are optical sensors that can capture larger distance touch-free and under appliance of closed-loop control.

The distance 1000/second is detected absolutely from the phase difference between the light beam that is sent and the beam that is received. It has an output at a physical resolution of 0.1 mm.

The laser devices are very compact in design which allows for easy installation and operation.


Distance measurement and determination of position
Diameter measurement of rolls / coils
Position Control
Level – Fill measurement
Monitoring and positioning of cranes and mobile equipment
Measurements of very difficult to access points .
Hazardous Area Ex versions