A particular challenge for encoders are explosive atmospheres, such as in transfer systems in painting, in flour mills, at petrol pumps at petrol stations or geothermal energy. TR-Electronic is an accredited manufacturer of explosion-proof housing. We offers ATEX compliant incremental encoders with need-based housings made of aluminum or stainless steel for hygienic sensitive applications. All housings feature a flameproof enclosure and can also be used in the harshest temperature class T6 in Zone 1 (gases) and 21 (dusts).
EX-Proof Stainless Steel Shaft Encoder for Mining Applications – 68 mm
Shaft – 10 mm to 5/8 inch
Resolution up to 10,000 ppr
IP 66 (IP 67 option)
ATEX certified EX-Proof
IECEx certified EX-Proof
GOST certified EX-Proof